Dan from VEG is looking forward to the Australian Permaculture Convergence (APC) happening in Turangi, NZ 11-15th April, where he’s been invited to present on both urban design and regenerative agriculture. Maybe he’ll see you there! Dan will also be helping teach the Koanga Institute April PDC with Bob Corker and Kay Baxter. Bob and Kay are both running courses/workshops through VEG in June by the way, and we’re excited. Bob will run a one-day workshop on Community Land Trusts and Kay an evening session on the connections between soil, plants and humans. Kay is a legendary seed saver and organic gardening guru in NZ, and we are honored to be able to host her & Bob in a rare visit to Melbourne. Together their Kotare Land Trust community project is a truly exciting experiment in localised abundance consistent with meeting some of the challenges we all seem set to face in the coming decades.