Here’s some photos from last month’s afternoon Edible Weeds Walk along the Merri Creek.  What a lovely way to spend an afternoon!  Around 35 people came and together we helped ourselves to wild mallow, chickweed, dock, wild lettuce, dandelion, milk thistle, angled onion, good king henry, wild celery and stinging nettle (delicious!) among others, starting the walk with a tasty green smoothie made of edible weeds with orange, banana, mango and passionfruit.


We had some lovely feedback:


“Thanks for the great tour on Saturday – it’s great now my eyes have been opened I see food everywhere I look!”

“Your Weed walk was wonderful and very inspiring.”


“A huge thank you for a most wonderful day on the weed walk.  The most blissful afternoon we’ve had in ages; when you’re so tied to technology and day to day stuff, you forget how beautiful nature is. So good to see that many are as fascinated by nature and weeds as we are, we had a blast and then topping it off to end at Ceres, divine!”


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Thanks to Phoung L for taking the photos!