Free energy literacy talk
Date(s) - 28 Mar 2018
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
VEG Warehouse
Without energy, literally nothing happens.
With lots of energy (like, say, fossil fuels) a whole lot of incredible happens (like, say, industrial civilisation).
What is energy? What is an ‘energy gradient’? What is ‘energy returned on energy invested’?
Everyone’s had those insights where understanding something is like clicking a light switch on. Understanding a bit about energy can feel like that, and is useful for interpreting everything from:
- how to live a bit more lightly on the planet
- which new energy or vehicle proto-technologies actually make sense, and which really are too-good-to-be-true
- how to save on electricity bills
- life its-very-self(!)
- to where we might be heading as a species…
Join Adam Grubb, VEG Director and founder of (now for a thermodynamics-for-newbies type workshop.
Cost of entry is an optional packet of concentrated chemical energy (i.e., a small snack to share).
Sorry! Bookings are closed for this event.