Free Talk on Holistic Management Decision Making
Date(s) - 21 Jun 2017
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Join Dan Palmer for a lovely, fun and accessible evening exploring holistic decision making as a tool for steering your life, business, or whatever into a space that brings you quality of life whilst nurturing the community and ecology you depend on.
For a taste of the approach see these series of articles Dan wrote years ago, but know that the way he understands and applies this tool has evolved a lot since then.
One way he thinks of it these days as a practical tool for helping you transform the parts of your life toward properly belonging within and authentically reflecting your life as a whole. Come along and find what the heck that actually means and looks like in practice!
As well as a tool for helping navigate the complexities of personal and family life, Dan uses holistic decision making to create and guide all his new projects and as the back bone of all his permaculture consultancy work.
This free talk will be at the learning centre, CERES, Brunswick. Registration is technically required but if you only see this at the last minute you can come if you promise to behave yourself and stand quietly at the back.
Sorry! Bookings are closed for this event.