As friends and colleagues of all the crew at Holmgren Design, which includes permaculture originator David Holmgren, we’ve been waiting for this new book for a wee while. And boy-oh-boy is it worth waiting for! Here’s the trailer:

And here’s Dan scoring a selfie with David Holmgren during the release and book signing a few weeks back:

Retrosuburbia is here

As for the book itself, it is a truly kick-ass compendium of accessible practical guidance towards retrofitting the suburbs and small towns of Victoria and beyond into an uncertain future with adaptiveness, style and, well, something to eat.

It covers the built, biological and behavioural fields as ingredients of a resilient future and goes from the highest level decision making about where and how to live right down to the most useful practical details of soil, chooks, and, well, shitloads of other good stuff.

While a half decent review of the content is currently more than we can manage, our mates at Milkwood have done a great job of just that here. We will say this though – if you want to get cracking on being as ready as possible for what the coming decades have in store for us, get this book. It’s a keeper.

VEG as part of Retrosuburbia

We feel deeply honoured to have various people and projects of VEG show up in this incredible work. Indeed in the preface David traces the very genesis of the book to a question Adam Grubb asked him in an interview in 2004.

…on page 286 – we see none other than past VEG team member Matt Missen knocking out a wicking bed!

Retrosuburbia is here 1