Holistic management is a method for making decisions holistically. It is used by families, community groups & businesses to get clear on what they are about and then to make decisions that put them where they want to be in a socially, environmentally and financially regenerative way.
Organised by Castlemaine Community House, in this free two-hour session Dan Palmer will introduce this decision making framework and then show how he and his partner have applied it to their family and also how he has applied into to the business he co-directs with Adam Grubb (Very Edible Gardens).
The session will have an informal interactive tone and will include some short video clips and much discussion. The aim is to give people a feel for what holistic management is as an empowering tool they might find useful in their personal and professional lives.
Wednesday 24th July 1-3pm
Cost: Free
Venue: Salvation Army meeting room – Kennedy Street – Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia (right outside the railway station)
Bookings: not essential, but good to let us know if you are coming….54724842 or bookings@cch.org.au
Here is a brief youtube of holistic management founder Alan Savory talking about what holistic management decision making is: