We’ve finally got our next round of VEGucation online – check out our upcoming courses here – the first one’s only a week away!  Also, while we have your attention, please come and say hi to us if you happen to find yourself at the Sustainable Living Festival in Federation Square this weekend.  We’ll have a stall and are giving these free public talks in the talk tent on Friday:

11am-12 Permaculture in the Suburbs — Very Edible Gardens

After over 100 permablitzes in Melbourne and over 100 separate permaculture designs by Very Edible Gardens (VEG), helping people make their yards not only beautiful, but sustainable and (largely) edible, we will share the common design strategies that work in Melbourne.

5pm-6pm The Power of Chook — Very Edible Gardens
We’ll discuss the basics of keeping chooks, avoiding odours and how chickens can happily do your pest control, weed prevention and composting for you. Yes you can harness the power of chooks in the garden while providing them with a better life.